
bdla Bayern supports petition for a referendum to save biodiversity

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The aim of the referendum launched today is to anchor regulations in the Bavarian Nature Conservation Act that will save biodiversity.

The core demands: the Bavaria-wide networking of habitats for animals; the preservation of hedges, trees and small bodies of water in agriculture; the preservation and creation of flowering verges along all streams and ditches; the massive expansion of ecological agriculture; the conversion of ten percent of all meadows into flowering meadows; the pesticide-free cultivation of all state-owned land; the inclusion of nature conservation in the training of farmers and foresters.

In order for the referendum petition to be approved, it is necessary for one million eligible voters to sign the petition lists at their local city hall by February 13, 2019.

At there is a "town hall finder", which will help you in case of doubt to find out your place of registration and the opening hours.

The supporting group of the petition for a referendum on biodiversity - Save the Bees! includes the Ecological Democratic Party of Bavaria (ÖDP), the Bavarian Society for the Protection of Birds (LBV), Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Bayern and BUND Naturschutz in Bayern. A broad social alliance of more than 160 organizations, companies, associations and parties support this direct democratic initiative for a new nature conservation law in Bavaria.

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