Green/Blue Infrastructures in Urban Open Space - Vortrag 24.10.2017

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Università degli Studi di Padova

University of Padova
Facultyof Agriculture
Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture & Forestry

Dott. Lucia Bortolini is assistant professor and teaches, researches and publishes on technical, ecological and aesthetic aspects of irrigation and vegetation-related retention and drainage systems as part of urban green infrastructure. She has established an irrigation laboratory and the experi-mental rain garden at Agripolis Campus, University of Padova and colla-borates with various institutions.

Public Lecture
Green/Blue Infrastructures and Sustainable Drainage Systems in Urban Open Space
Tuesday Oct. 24 2017, 17.30 – 19.00
Kraftwerk Mitte Nr.7 (Heizzentrale), Raum 1.1 OG

organized by HTW Dresden Fachgebiet Freiraumplanung
in cooperation with bdla Sachsen

is free - please let us know if you participate because the number of places is limited
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