Meetup "frischgrün_vernetzt" of the AG Young Landscape Architects

Location / Place



21. September 2023


AG Junge Landschaftsarchitekt:innen

Meetup "frischgrün_vernetzt" of the AG Young Landscape Architects

Location / Place



21. September 2023


AG Junge Landschaftsarchitekt:innen

The Meetup "frischgrün_vernetzt" is intended to promote and consolidate the exchange of content and networking within the young landscape architecture scene. Initiator is the working group Young Landscape Architekt:innen of the bdla.

The regulars' table format is to take place every 2 months nationwide, decentralized locally and simultaneously digitally via a video meeting. Impulse lectures and a following open discussion are planned.

The next Meetup will take place on:

Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023, 7 p.m. to about 9 p.m.

Topic: "They all want to do today no more overtime ... - Modern team leadership for lateral entrants"

Told are the careers of:
impulse landscape architecture - guided participation
GFSL - transformation to employee-owned cooperative
Schuler and Winz - Siegmund to Siegmund and Winz to Schuler and Winz

To sign up for the mailing list, which announces the individual dates with about two weeks' notice, please send an email to .


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