bdla association

Become a member

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Here you will find all the important information and documents relating to your membership.

Who can become a member?

Landscape architects, landscape architecture graduates and qualified professionals from other disciplines who work primarily in the field of landscape architecture can become members. Students and graduates of landscape architecture / landscape conservation are invited to join the regional associations as junior members.

How do I become a member?

The bdla office of your national association will be happy to accept your application for membership for consideration by the admissions committee. The executive committee of the federal association will decide on your admission.

What does membership cost?

Membership always refers to the federal association and the respective state association. Contributions must be paid to both. The federal contribution for independent members is 600 euros per year. In addition, there are surcharges for technical staff depending on the size of the respective office. As a special welcome, the national fee for new members is reduced by 50 percent for the first three years.

Committed members - the basis of the bdla

In the federal association and the regional associations, there are many opportunities to get involved in working groups as well as in thematic or temporary working groups. This is where personal networks are established, which are not only of crucial importance for young professionals.

All documents for your membership application

Everything at a click: Application for membership, statutes, contribution regulations, membership regulations. Select your national association - either according to your place of residence or your office location - and download the documents.

Do you have questions about membership? Give us a call!

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Become part of a strong network and benefit from our exclusive information and member benefits.


Advantages of a membership

Strong services for landscape architects: Convince yourself of our offer.

Discover advantages

Become a junior member

Students and graduates can find all the documents and information they need for membership here.

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