bdla association


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The bdla sees itself as a network of landscape architects for professional dialogue and as a forum for collegial cooperation.

In addition, the association and its members are involved in many external networks and institutions.

On a national level, bdla is continuously involved in umbrella associations and other supra-associational structures. This includes, for example, the Verbänderunde der deutschen Architekten- und Planerverbände. On current topics, bdla and its members are regularly involved in informal competence networks. Cooperation is also maintained in the field of further education with ministries, universities and associations.

On an international level, bdla is active in the International Federation of Landscape Architects IFLA and IFLA Europe, in addition to the Federal Chamber of Architects. IFLA is the only association representing landscape architects worldwide and in Europe.

Memberships of the bdla

International Federation of Landscape Architects IFLA

IFLA is the only federation representing landscape architects worldwide. Its goal is to coordinate the activities of its member organizations on global issues. As a non-profit organization, landscape architects from all continents are involved in IFLA on a voluntary basis. In addition to the world level, it is divided into four regional organizations (European Region, Americas Region, Asian and Pacific Region, Africa and Middle East Region). According to the IFLA mission, the professional field of landscape architects should be strengthened and especially the "best practice" of landscape architecture should be promoted. The skills of landscape architects and the importance of their planning activities are presented to the public. IFLA defines itself as a global network for the professional exchange of ideas and information. IFLA maintains intensive relations with UNESCO, UN-Habitat, IUCN, ICOMOS and the Council of Europe. The bdla has been a member of IFLA since 1954.

IFLA Europe. The European Region of IFLA

IFLA Europe organizes the associations of landscape architects from the member countries of the Council of Europe (COE). IFLA Europe emerged from EFLA (European Foundation for Landscape Architecture). EFLA was founded in 1989, bdla was a founding member. The common goal is to develop an active network for landscape architecture in Europe. In particular, IFLA Europe is concerned with ensuring and developing a high standard of quality in education and professional practice. One of IFLA Europe's tasks is to promote academic education throughout Europe and to strengthen professional exchange in Europe. A further focus is to represent the interests of landscape architects vis-à-vis the EU and, in particular, to influence European policies relevant to the profession.

Further links to the international scene of landscape architecture:

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