Future Day, April 25, 2024 - Get to know the employees of (the) future
Once a year, Girls' Day and Boys' Day offer young people an insight into everyday working life.
Pupils can find offers here (search for "landscape architecture"): https://www.girls-day.de/Radar or https://www.boys-day.de/boys-day-radar
Offices benefit in terms of promoting young talent and present themselves as experts in climate change. Partners of the Future Days are renowned institutions such as the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, the Federal Employment Agency and the Federal Parents' Council.
Take advantage of this multiplier and familiarize young people with landscape architecture on 25 April 2024.

Participation is very easy for offices
The platforms www.girls-day.de and www.boys-day.de are intuitive to use and provide comprehensive support for offices.
Important note for Girls'Day: When entering your offer, please make sure to focus on "courage" for self-employment, starting an office, taking on management functions and managing employees.
- Enter the offer: go to the Girls' Day or Boys'Day pages.
- Formulate an offer title.
- Select the offer category: Environment / Energy / Water
- Describe your offer, here is a sample text:
"Cities and regions urgently need to be adapted to climate change. More greenery, more nature, more water areas provide cooling and fresh air so that the habitats remain liveable for people, animals and plants. This is a key future task for landscape architects. We are shaping our future today." - Use the material centers of the platforms https://material.kompetenzz.net/girls-day/unternehmen-institutionen and https://material.kompetenzz.net/boys-day/unternehmen-institutionen
- Use the Sharepic for social media to get involved in the day of action. Here's how.
- Ask the students for their opinion on the Future Day in your office, here is the pdf feedback form (PDF) (40 KB) .
- Do you have any questions? Then please contact
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the Girls'/Boys'Day team directly.
April 25, 2024: Be there! Show the students what you do in your office and get them excited about your work.

We are looking forward to a concerted campaign with many participating offices and hope that the Future Day will become an integral part of the bdla's recruitment of young talent.
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