Location / Place
16. October 2023
bdla und BDA
Location / Place
16. October 2023
bdla und BDA
Discussion between BDA President Susanne Wartzeck and bdla President Prof. Stephan Lenzen with Chris Kühn, State Secretary BMUV, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, and Dr. Anja Weisgerber, CSU
In the coming months, the German government will present a draft for a federal climate adaptation law to the Bundestag for debate. At the joint POLITIK-TALK of the bdla and the BDA on October 16, 2023 at 7 pm at the German Architecture Center DAZ, the following questions will be on the agenda: What is the aim of the law? What requirements does it set for national, regional and municipal adaptation concepts? And how effective will it be?
We ask for registration for this public event.
Mit dem Politik-Talk bietet der BDA ein Format, um mit Vertreter:innen der Bundespolitik im Deutschen Architektur Zentrum zu bau-, wohnungs- und stadtentwicklungspolitischen Themen ins Gespräch zu kommen.
Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6
Aufgang H1
10179 Berlin
Landscape Architecture