New ways of dealing with rainwater in the city

15th avela symposium "Water-sensitive urban development"

Location / Place



06. June 2024


Akademie für Vegetationsplanung und Landschaftsbau, HS Nürtingen-Geislingen

New ways of dealing with rainwater in the city

15th avela symposium "Water-sensitive urban development"

Location / Place



06. June 2024


Akademie für Vegetationsplanung und Landschaftsbau, HS Nürtingen-Geislingen

On June 6, the 15th symposium of the Academy for Vegetation Planning and Landscaping (avela) will take place in the Nürtingen town hall.

Increasing heat, extreme weather events and long periods of drought pose major challenges for professionals. The city of tomorrow must be planned in such a way that heat stress is avoided - and vegetation should play a central role in this.

One of the planning tasks of the future is to create "water-sensitive cities". Rainwater should no longer be drained away via the sewer system, but the city should absorb the precipitation like a sponge and release the moisture to the vegetation during dry periods. Water-sensitive cities in combination with intensive greening can make an essential contribution to cooling, counteract extreme flooding, increase
biodiversity and at the same time significantly enhance the cityscape.

At the conference, leading international experts will report on current strategies and developments in water-sensitive urban development - from technical implementation to the integration of creative designs.

Stadthalle K3N
Heiligkreuzstraße 4
72622 Nürtingen

Lehr- und Versuchsgarten
Hofgut Tachenhausen
72644 Oberboihingen

Information and Registration


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