
First aid and practical advice on data protection in the planning office

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From 25 May 2018, the new EU General Data Protection Regulation will apply. The regulations on the collection, use and processing of data also affect planning offices.

In the following we hope to provide you with a useful collection of information.

Some chambers of architects have published practice notes worth reading, are continuously expanding the information offered and offer special seminars:

Useful tips and advice as well as practical templates for companies can also be found in particular on the websites of the State Data Protection Officers and the Chambers of Industry and Commerce. Currently, further helpful practical aids and samples for companies are also being published daily on the Internet. Other interesting publications to read:

The brochure 'First aid on the General Data Protection Regulation for companies and associations. The immediate action package' has been published by the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision. It costs €5.50 and can be ordered from the Beck online shop.

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