
Wandse where are you? Otto Linne Prize 2019 offered

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The Otto Linne Award enables students and young graduates to deal with current topics and challenges in the field of landscape architecture.

The prize, awarded in honor of Hamburg's first garden director Otto Linne (1869 - 1937), promotes the professional development of young planners and recognizes outstanding achievements in the field of urban landscape architecture.

Developing a Hamburg landscape axis. One idea, two phases, three perspectives. - At its core, the Otto Linne Prize 2019 is about the development of a landscape axis consisting of widely connected green and open spaces that extend between the settlement areas from the surrounding countryside to the city centre.

The participants are asked to deal with the experience and perception of this type and to develop concepts that highlight the special features and characteristics of this landscape axis and increase its attractiveness. Alongside artistic perspectives can and should play a role in this.

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