
Land policy in the mainstream?

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Answers from the parties to the "Soil Policy Election Test Questions for the 2021 Bundestag Election" of the Soil Turnaround Alliance are available

In view of exploding land and rental prices and unchecked land consumption despite the "30 hectare target", the Soil Turnaround Alliance saw and still sees an urgent need for action. Against this backdrop, the campaign alliance sent its "Land policy election test questions for the 2021 federal election" to the parties. The responses from Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, CDU/CSU, Die Linke, FDP and SPD are available, published and commented on.

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Prof. Dr. (Univ. Florenz) Elisabeth Merk, President of the German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning, sees the great willingness to respond "as an indication that there is now a cross-party consensus on the fundamental need for a land policy geared towards the common good. This at least gives us hope for the first steps towards a land turnaround in the coming legislative period."

Even though some of the responses contain viable proposals for a land policy geared towards the common good, the Alliance believes that they are not sufficient in view of the social, ecological and economic challenges in urban and rural areas. The associations involved see this as confirmation of their call for a commission of inquiry into land policy geared towards the common good in the new legislative period.

The Bündnis Bodenwende, a non-partisan alliance of academies, chambers, associations - including the bdla - and foundations from various areas of society, will continue its work after the general election and will initially incorporate its positions into the coalition negotiations.

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