
Climate neutrality

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What challenges are associated with the global climate protection goals for landscape architects? - The authors of the 4/2021 issue of the bdla association magazine explored this question.

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On August 31, 2021, the tightened Climate Protection Act came into force under the heading "Generational Contract for the Climate. " With the amendment, the German government anchored the goal of greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045. The higher ambitions also affect the CO2 reduction targets up to 2030, for example in the energy sector, industry, transport, buildings and agriculture.

The term "climate neutrality" is defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its special report 1.5 °C global warming as a state in which "human activities have no net effect on the climate system." The term therefore encompasses not only greenhouse gases but also changes in land use, the retreat of ice sheets, and all other actions that affect the climate.

Climate neutrality in landscape architecture

The articles in the current association magazine cover ways to a climate-neutral office, Europe's first climate-neutral managed promenade, climate-sensitive construction, sustainable and climate-appropriate building materials in landscape architecture, and efforts to practice climate neutrality in business. bdla legal counsel Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh rounded out the topic with his remarks on "Landscape architecture, climate protection and public procurement law - how does that go together?"

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