

10 Announcements

6th bdla designer talks: New aesthetics - designing climate adaptation

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We have to rethink: leave our own comfort zone and question the images and processes we are used to. In times of climate change with all its manifestations, a new way of thinking and aesthetics are needed in architecture and landscape architecture for public open spaces and buildings. Design must also be questioned; the processes and the path to the built work are changing.

News · 16. July 2024

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Online seminar series: Climate protection and climate adaptation in planning practice

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Leading experts from research and practice will provide insights into current topics in the field of climate protection and climate adaptation.

News · 09. July 2024

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German Builder-Owner Award 2024 presented: Building affordably and with high quality

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On June 26, 2024, the prizes for the German Builder-Owner Award 2024 competition were awarded in Berlin. "Today's winners show that building can be affordable and of high quality. This should not only be the guiding principle for projects in times of difficult framework conditions," said Sören Bartol, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building, in front of around 200 guests at the EUREF-Campus.

News · 01. July 2024

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Gardens of the year 2025 wanted. Submission still possible until 18.7.

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Callwey Verlag has organized the GÄRTEN DES JAHRES competition for the tenth time. Together with its partners, including the bdla, the media company is looking for the best private gardens designed by landscape architects, gardeners and landscapers in German-speaking countries. For the first time, the Newcomer of the Year award will be presented to young offices (not founded before 2021).

News · 01. July 2024

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Cool landscape architecture in Vienna - on the road with the ÖGLA

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The Austrian Society for Landscape Architecture ÖGLA led a two-day tour through cool and chilly Vienna. On the agenda for the 35 participants from the Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla) and the Association of Swiss Landscape Architects (BSLA) was landscape architecture with a climate impact. Their effectiveness could be tested immediately in very different Viennese "neighborhoods" and districts at around 30°.

News · 01. July 2024

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Public expert discussion in the Bundestag

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On June 26, 2024, a public self-referral on sports facilities and urban development was held by the Committee on Housing, Urban Development, Construction and Local Authorities in the German Bundestag with bdla participation. Appointed by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Ralf Maier, owner of maier landschaftsarchitektur Köln, spoke as an expert on behalf of the profession. In addition, representatives of the International Association of Sports and Leisure Facilities, the German Association of Cities and the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) were heard by the parliamentarians.

News · 27. June 2024

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Securing affordable (social) housing - for social peace and democracy

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Appeal from the planning and auditing professions to the federal government

Affordable housing is a fundamental human right and the basis for peaceful and fair coexistence. "But more and more people can no longer find affordable housing. Growing inequality and the feeling of injustice provide a breeding ground for extremism and anti-democratic tendencies," said representatives of the planning and auditing professions - architects, engineers, interior designers, landscape architects, urban planners and surveyors - in their appeal to the German government, which was adopted on June 18, 2024.

News · 19. June 2024

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Sport, games and exercise

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Attractive, high-quality sports and exercise areas are of great social importance. They are places for education, integration and inclusion.

News · 18. June 2024

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Landscape_Architecture for Queers at CSD in Nuremberg and Munich

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The bdla is committed to diversity and is delighted that landscape architects will be visible and celebrating diversity at this year's Christopher Street Days (CSD) in Nuremberg and Munich. Here is the invitation from the Landscape_Architecture for Queers team:

News · 11. June 2024

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Climate adaptation - successful implementation at municipal level

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Federal Congress 2024 of the green associations on June 7 and 8, 2024 in Bonn

"Climate adaptation - successful municipal implementation" - representatives from administration, politics, science, planning and the green sector came together in Bonn on June 7, 2024 for their annual federal congress of green associations. Rüdiger Dittmar, President of the German Conference of Gardening Officers (GALK e.V.), welcomed the 180 or so attendees to the Gustav Streseman Institute. Green-blue infrastructures as a necessity for climate adaptation "ran like a red thread" through the speakers' presentations. Nature-based solutions were named as pioneers and trailblazers of the urgently needed urban and landscape redevelopment and municipalities were assigned a key role.

News · 11. June 2024

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