
Study landscape architecture!

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The bdla young talent campaign enters a new round. A full-page ad has once again been placed in the handbook for 2024/25.

The study guide is THE official information medium in Germany and is produced on behalf of the Foundation for University Admissions and the Federal Employment Agency. It is distributed annually free of charge to students in their final year at secondary schools throughout Germany. According to the bdla, it has a circulation of 401,505 copies.

bdla advertisement in the Germany-wide study guide

The young talent campaign includes many other association activities:

  • The print ad placement is flanked by digital ads.
  • The federal association is also further expanding its social media presence Instagram on Instagram.
  • Incidentally, a single school internship is often enough to convince the next generation of landscape architecture as a career choice. The bdla Bavaria has therefore recently published a helpful guide published.

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