
Education Committee: Quality of studies and bdla concept for young professionals

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The Education Committee had arranged a web meeting on 5 August 2020. The spokesperson Marion Linke took the opportunity to first of all exchange information about the development in NRW.

For some time now, the regional association there has wanted to establish a course of study in landscape architecture in the Rhine/Ruhr region, among other things to counter the shortage of skilled workers in the local planning offices. Concretely under discussion is the establishment of a corresponding course of study at the University of Wuppertal.

Since not all LA courses of study are fully utilised nationwide, there are also numerous critical voices. There are fears of a weakening of existing study locations. The committee confirms its long-standing view that the profession should be concerned above all with the quality of the courses on offer, and less with quantity. In May, the presidium had spoken out in favour of an additional study programme in Wuppertal.

Individual components of the bdla's concept for young professionals were discussed. The committee will review existing online portals for choosing a course of study and a profession to determine whether the studies and profession of landscape architects are adequately presented.

In order to get an overview of how many students take up landscape architecture studies each year and how many graduates enter the job market, a corresponding survey was carried out by the AK in 2019. It shows that the numbers of first-year students and graduates have been largely constant in recent years with significant fluctuations at individual universities. Details of the survey will be published in the autumn. In order to also determine the need for specialists, the committee asks all freelance landscape architects to participate in a corresponding online survey of the bdla in September.

The effects of the pandemic on academic training were discussed in the committee. After the teaching in the summer semester took place almost exclusively online, there will be more hybrid offers in the coming winter semester.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2020

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