
Training working group: Digitalization, artificial intelligence and young talent

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The main focal points of the meeting of the training working group on November 17 and 18, 2023 in Berlin were close professional contact with universities, recruiting young talent and generally ensuring the quality of teaching.

A series of reports by individual working group members addressed critical issues of artificial intelligence in the assessment of project work or examination tasks as well as new dual study programs and practicable models for working students in the fields of architecture and landscape architecture. In particular, the opportunities and practical challenges presented by chatbots and the increasing use of didactic online forms of study should be proactively integrated into the curricula and teaching processes of universities.

Furthermore, IFLA Europe, in cooperation with the International Working Group, submitted written proposals for the practicable recognition of German degree programs to the new Vice President for Education of IFLA Europe, Prof. Attila Toth (Slovakia).

There was also a review of the previous LASKO (Landscape Student Conference), which took place in Freising from October 23 to 28, 2023. It can be stated that the students feel encouraged and supported by the constant exchange. In concrete terms, this is reflected, among other things, in the creation of demand papers for their own universities.

Topics such as the (perceived) overload caused by studying, digitalization vs. on-campus work and career prospects remain topical. The working group strives to actively approach other socio-politically relevant groups at a local level in order to discuss the challenges of climate change, the transformation of the landscape or the biodiversity crisis and the contribution that landscape architects can make to this.

Source: bdla association magazine "landschaftsarchitekt:innen" 1/2024

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