
Training working group: Talks at the HCU and promotion of young talent

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On April 5 and 6, 2024, the members of the working group met at HafenCity University Hamburg. Prof. Antje Stokman presented the teaching at HCU.

The organizational structure enables an interdisciplinary and personal approach between teachers and students. The focus is on the design and cooperative creation of urban landscapes in their dynamic interactions between natural and human habitats. It should be noted that the demand for modules relevant to landscape architecture far exceeds the supply.

It was agreed to write a feedback letter to the HCU in which potentials and recommendations for the course, teaching and the location are highlighted. The already established cooperation with Prof. Antje Stokman and her department is to be continued. One student reported that she found the interface between architecture and landscape architecture very exciting.

To promote young talent, the working group has begun to make initial contact with other socio-politically relevant groups at a local level. In addition, the network of the Federal Ecological Volunteer Service is also being targeted. The number of first-year Bachelor's students on LA degree courses eligible for chamber registration in 2022 has fallen by 5% on average from 2014-2022. A further decrease is expected for 2023. Information platforms and formats such as BOplus or the future days "Girl's Day/ Boy's Day" should be used as further catalysts.

Other potential points of contact are the school administration offices and teacher training. The bdla's "Study landscape architecture!" advertisement will also be published in the next issue of 2025/2026.

Source: bdla association magazine "landschaftsarchitekt:innen" 2/2024

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