
Web, publications and national group public relations work

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The public relations spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met for their 46th meeting on 17.11.2017 in Berlin.

Mario Kahl, Deputy Federal Managing Director, welcomed the participants to the top relaunch of On the basis of previous inquiries, he informed about the work assignments that had crystallized: Development of a website with clear content, a contemporary look/functions and some technical additions; development of a largely integrative online presence for the overall association; development of own websites/web presences adapted to the possibilities of the respective regional group. From the AKÖ, Jutta Sankowski, Markus Schäf and Philipp Sattler participated in the first workshop of the project-accompanying working group on 27.11.2017 in Berlin.

Petra Bernsee, spokesperson for public relations of bdla Saxony, presented the current film of her regional association on educational spaces, a project that could be realized with funds from public relations in 2016 and 2017, among other things. The speakers watched the 15-minute film "Kinder-Gärten" and acknowledged the commitment of the AG Bildungsräume in Saxony.

Once again, the speakers discussed their resolution from the 45th meeting on the preservation of the Landscape Architects' Handbook as a printed address directory in which all bdla members - from junior members to honorary members - are recorded. Permanent services of the federation should have just as existence in the manual as the overview of the memberships of the bdla. The reprinting of already published positions/opinions should be dispensed with. The suggestion to set the publication date of the handbook in such a way that members who have cancelled their membership can still be deleted from the directory is supported.

The spokespersons are awaiting with great interest the vote of the bdla Advisory Board on 20 April 2018 on their recommendations for the promotion of state group public relations work.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2018

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