
Presidium meeting: Advisory Board resolutions being implemented

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At the Governing Board meeting on June 7, 2018, the decisions from the Advisory Board meeting needed to be put into action.

After the positive evaluation of the interim results of the relaunch of in the advisory board, it went into the fine-tuning of the adaptation of the logo, the standardization of font sizes and the placement of images. The advisory board had also followed the suggestion of the presidency for a chairmen meeting for the consultation co-operation regional federations federation.

The meeting will take place on 12.11.2018 in the Berlin area. Online, a second executive meeting is to take place in the year. For this and also for future trainings, a web meeting tool for the Federal Association and the Regional Associations is to be purchased.

Another key item on the agenda was the German Landscape Architecture Award 2019. As already discussed in the bdla working group and in the meeting of the sponsors, award categories were determined, the schedule confirmed and the proposals for the composition of the online and presence jury accepted. The awards will be launched in November 2018. Initial information can be found at

It was reported from the bdla committees that the BIM working group has started its work. The WG "Vorfasstheit bei Wettbewerben" will meet in September 2018. Following the vote of the working groups on economics and construction technology and standards, further bdla handouts on special topics are to be developed.

Draft texts are already available for the proof of safety against flooding or controlled, damage-free flooding in accordance with DIN ("Proof of flooding"), as well as for the remuneration of services for preliminary investigations into vegetation protection during construction measures in accordance with DIN ("Preliminary investigations into vegetation protection"). The federal office was asked to put together editorial teams and to prepare a publication.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2018

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