
bdla presidium meeting: Presidium meeting: Retreat on association priorities

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On the occasion of the 25th bdla construction manager talks, the executive committee met in Bochum on January 19, 2023. In the meeting, fundamental issues of the association's work in the new year were discussed.

Part of the event planning for the years 2023 and 2024 are the successful Parliamentary Evenings in Berlin and the respective technical focal points. The advisory board meeting on March 31, 2023 in Mainz had to be prepared, in which the presidium will formulate proposals for structural reform, membership recruitment and a comprehensive renewal of the association's statutes.

Subsequently, the focus was on public relations projects. The very positive reception of the publication "The Garden of the Earth" was noted with pleasure. A new wind in the Corporate Design was decided; the progress of the layout development for the federation newspaper is already negotiated with the publishing house.

In the association emphasis "new generation advertisement" it will go still more purposefully around the "Schüler:innen" and their occupation/study choice. It was also decided to transfer the website "100 Years of Landscape Architecture" to the website "Landscape Architecture Today", combined with the continuation of the content to "111 Years of Landscape Architecture" in 2024. In 2023, however, the campaign of this year's competition for the German Landscape Architecture Award will first be the focus of activities.

Various professional developments had to be discussed, for example the National Water Strategy of the Federal Ministry for the Environment. The bdla had commented in detail after an internal coordination process together with the Association for Urban, Regional and State Planning (SRL). It is welcomed by the bdla thus that the strategy bundles many different topic fields regarding our water resources and transfers these into an altogether conclusive action program.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2023

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