
bdla executive committee meeting: Landscape architecture is colorful

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The first Executive Committee meeting of 2024 on January 25, 2024 had to be held virtually due to the rail strike. Six hours of meetings on the PC, but the workload was completed.

The socio-political framework for the meeting was provided by the research conducted by the CORRECTIV network and the demonstrations against right-wing extremist activities in Germany. With the words "Landscape architecture is colorful, not brown", bdla President Prof. Stephan Lenzen opened the Site Manager Talks on January 19, 2024 in Bochum - to great applause. The Executive Committee backed these words; it was reaffirmed that the bdla stands for an open-minded society and democratic coexistence, against hatred, discrimination and racism. There was much encouragement from the membership and beyond for this position.

The Executive Committee worked intensively on event planning, among other things. Prof. Dr. Antje Backhaus, for example, provided information on the content of a new series of seminars by the Federal Association on the topic of climate adaptation and protection. The draft program for four online seminars has been drawn up and will cover topics such as new climate adaptation concepts, climate protection in approval procedures, theCO2 footprint of open space planning and specific construction methods for green-blue infrastructures. The very successful Green Basics Academy - primarily for career changers and graduates - will also be continued in 2024 with interesting speakers.

Fundamental considerations were made regarding the direction of the German Landscape Architecture Award competition; among other things, the Executive Committee intends to work with the regional groups on a nationwide LA award family; this medium-term task is to be presented to the Advisory Board for a decision in April 2024.

Preparations for the bdla's 111th birthday on April 12, 2024 in Berlin are in full swing. The new online exhibition "111 Years of Landscape Architecture - 1913 to 2024" is sure to be a highlight.

Source: bdla association magazine "landschaftsarchitekt:innen" 1/2024

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