
Change in the management of the Association of German Landscape Architects bdla

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Ingeborg Paland is leaving. Mario Kahl new federal managing director as of 1 May 2020.

Ingeborg Paland, the long-time federal managing director of the bdla, is leaving office after a serious illness. The lawyer had successfully led the association for over 28 years. The executive committee expressed its thanks and appreciation for her great services to the professional association of landscape architects, the profession and the representation towards politics and in numerous association committees.

On 1 May 2020, Dipl.-Ing. Mario Kahl took over the position of Federal Managing Director at the Association of German Landscape Architects in Berlin. The appointment was made by the bdla presidium.

© Manuel Frauendorf Photography

Born in Göttingen in 1966, Mario Kahl studied landscape architecture at the Leibniz University of Hanover. From 1993 to 1997 he worked in various planning offices and at the Ruhr University in Bochum. He has been active at the bdla since 1997; first as a specialist consultant and since 2014 also in the position of deputy federal managing director.

"Never since the profession's beginnings over 100 years ago have landscape architects had such an outstanding social significance. Social neighbourhoods, resilient cities, rapidly changing cultural landscapes - there is no question that these are also unique planning tasks that need to be tackled both innovatively and creatively today and in the future. It is a pleasure, an incentive and a challenge for me to work on this together with the best landscape architects in the country in the bdla", Mario Kahl said on the occasion of his appointment.

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