Award ceremony with Federal Minister for Housing and Urban Development Klara Geywitz on May 13, 2022 at the Allianz Forum in Berlin
The Association of German Landscape Architects awarded the best works in the competition German Landscape Architecture Prize 2021 on Friday, May 13, 2022, at the Allianz Forum on Pariser Platz in Berlin in the presence of Klara Geywitz, Federal Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Construction.

In his welcoming speech, bdla President Prof. Stephan Lenzen emphasized that "the 15th year of the German Landscape Architecture Award competition has also proven that landscape architecture excels in mastering complex tasks." Addressing the evening's 400 or so guests, he went on to say that it was a matter of "preserving the aesthetic demands. Ultimately, the strength and unique selling point of our profession lies in the outstanding way it combines ecology and technology with creativity and aesthetics. Today's visions and concepts for cities, urban and rural open spaces, green-blue infrastructure, mobility infrastructure, living and working environments, for parks, gardens and squares will help determine whether people will manage to live more in harmony with the environment."
In her welcoming remarks, Federal Minister of Construction Klara Geywitz quoted Danish architect Jan Gehl as saying, "First we shape the city, then the city shapes us!" She emphasized the importance of landscape architects in preserving living environments and open spaces. The quality of open spaces in the city and countryside is of particular importance in terms of sustainability, value, resource conservation and biodiversity. After all, "green open spaces are," she said, referring to the White Paper on Urban Green Spaces, "places of encounter, social cohesion, and cultural and architectural identity. They serve for recreation and exercise, are places for sports and play, make a positive contribution to health and well-being, and can thus contribute to the quality of life of the population."

In the ceremony that followed, awards were presented in nine competition categories - reflections of the landscape architect:s fields of activity. The German Landscape Architecture Award 2021 was accepted by the planning team Lohaus ∙ Carl ∙ Köhlmos, Landscape Architects ∙ Urban Planners, Hanover/Dresden, together with client representatives for the project "Westpark, Augsburg" from the hands of Federal Minister of Construction Klara Geywitz and bdla President Prof. Stephan Lenzen.
Responsible handling of the creation
The theologian and several times book author Dr. Margot Käßmann stressed in her ceremonial speech that humans stand also after the time of the paradise and after the Sintflut in the responsibility for the cultivation and preservation of the earth. She said: "We are charged with the responsible care of creation. The rainbow is a symbol that God will not destroy the earth. But it takes two to make a covenant. The question is whether humans will uphold or fail their part in and by mercilessly exploiting creation and not preserving it for future generations."

Documentation German Landscape Architecture Award 2021
A spring party on the Allianz Forum staggered floor with a view of the Brandenburg Gate and the Tiergarten concluded the evening. This event was the highlight and at the same time the conclusion of the 15th competition year. To mark the occasion, the awarding authority published a competition documentation with all award-winning and nominated works as well as the essay "Preserving Paradise" by Dr. Margot Käßmann. The 86-page brochure can be ordered free of charge from the Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen.
The results of the competition are summarized on and
The competition German Landscape Architecture Award 2021 was sponsored by:
Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen bdla
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin
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