
Brochure "Landscape change and planning acceleration" published

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Recommendations for a landscape-oriented acceleration of planning in times of biodiversity and climate crisis

Enormous ecological, social and economic challenges as a result of advancing climate change, massive losses of biodiversity and increasing scarcity of resources characterize our time. There is a consensus that the (green) transformation, above all climate protection, energy and mobility transition, must be driven forward faster and more decisively than before in order to achieve the agreed sustainability and climate protection goals.

In its "Recommendations for landscape-oriented planning acceleration in times of biodiversity and climate crisis", the Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla) takes a closer look at how lengthy planning and approval procedures can be effectively relieved and simplified. After all, speeding up planning cannot be an end in itself.

The positions formulated from the perspective of planning practice show which planning strategies are suitable for accelerating the transformation processes geared towards the complex requirements of the climate and biodiversity crisis and, at the same time, for shaping a landscape-friendly transformation. The federal government, federal states and local authorities must pursue overall spatial strategies and create integrative spatial concepts in order to overcome competition for land and actually accelerate processes.

These recommendations are therefore intended as a contribution by the profession to a debate that is in danger of losing sight of the potential of landscape-oriented planning processes with their win-win effects.

The 12-page brochure is available to download or order.

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