
Landscape Planning Working Group: Planning and Developing Rural Areas

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The meeting of the Landscape Planning Working Group on 6 July 2018 in Kassel focused on rural areas.

Gudrun Rentsch introduced the topic and explained the wish of the bdla presidium to treat rural development more strongly as a field of activity for landscape architects. Thus it was discussed in detail on which levels meaningful activities of the bdla must start.

The EU provides funding and framework conditions through the CAP, but the actual concrete design of the funding programmes is the responsibility of the EU member states. Possible starting points at federal level are thus the design of the national action programmes.

The AK recommends the association to look for promising starting points at the level of the federal states (and thus at the bdla regional associations). In the future, it will ultimately be a matter of the concrete, state-specific design of the support programmes and professional focal points there.

The AK members themselves intend to focus on a position paper. This could be used to prepare an argumentation aid for a "green infrastructure in rural development". This position could form the professional basis for the lobbying work of the bdla.

For the advisory board meeting in 2019, such a position paper could be the basis for the association discussion and the derivation of systematic bdla activities 2019-2021. Frank Neumann, Prof. Hubertus v. Dressler and Martin Janotta will present a draft.

Norbert Hellmann and Kerstin Berg also informed about the contents of the draft of a planning acceleration law for the transport sector. Norbert Hellmann had thankfully written the draft of a bdla statement. The positive aspects and the points of criticism were discussed in a differentiated manner; the regulations on the project manager were welcomed; the regulations on bringing forward measures and on planning approval were discussed critically.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2018

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