
Berlin in a buying frenzy. bdla demands strategic land provision for green infrastructure!

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Press release of the bdla Berlin/Brandenburg

For the first time in decades, Berlin finds itself in the position of having a stockpiling land policy. But there is no trace of a targeted and strategic approach.


Cemetery "Eisackstraße" in Berlin-Schöneberg. Park area. Foto: Rosakoalaglitzereinhorn, Bearbeitung: bdla, Wikimedia Commons

Everything that is "not nailed down" will be bought, the governing mayor is quoted in the press. The chances are now good to strategically purchase not only those areas that are needed for the construction of new housing and social infrastructure, but also to think about new green spaces.

The growing city urgently needs areas for a green infrastructure that grows with it.

These can be green corridors, riparian strips, near-natural compensation and replacement areas, or potential areas for club and mass sports, e.g. as a supplement for school grounds that are too small.

An example of a highly neglected area potential are the so-called cemetery overhang areas. Due to the trend towards urn burial, less and less space is needed here. Many cemeteries are therefore to be sold at a profit in order to replenish the coffers of the churches. This therefore usually means a rededication to building land.

Although the churches also want to implement social projects such as dormitories for refugees, housing for the disabled, and the like, from an "open space planning perspective, this development is a debacle," says Eike Richter, state chairman of the Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla).

This is because cemeteries already offer everything one would hope for in an urban green space: a wonderful old stock of trees, paths and benches. And they are usually located in districts with a large deficit of open space. In addition, the cemeteries form the cultural memory of Berlin and its development into a cosmopolitan city.

Berlin wants to and should buy, but please do it properly and with a strategic view to the development of the green infrastructure.

Eike Richter, Chairman bdla Berlin-Brandenburg

Now would be the chance to transfer these green spaces into municipal ownership and to further qualify them. Against the background of climate change and the quality of life in the metropolis, one could no longer afford to let grown
green spaces and old trees give way to building structures. "Berlin wants to and should buy, but please do it properly and with a strategic view to the development of the green infrastructure," Richter demands.

But buying alone is not enough: in addition, sufficient funds would have to be made available for the development and maintenance of the purchased areas!

Bild: Cemetery "Eisackstraße" in Berlin-Schöneberg. Park area. Foto: Rosakoalaglitzereinhorn, Bearbeitung: bdla, Wikimedia Commons. Lizenz:

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