
Festival Women In Architecture in Berlin postponed to 2021

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WOMEN IN ARCHITECTURE (WIA) BERLIN 2020 is also affected by developments due to the Corona virus outbreak.

The organizers, the Berlin Network of Women Planners n-ails e.V. and the Berlin Chamber of Architects, out of respect for this unusual situation and this challenging time, have decided to postpone the festival planned for June 4 to July 4, 2020 to

June 2021.

The festival has started successfully with a very positive response and already more than 30 events planned. However, from our point of view, the postponement also holds new opportunities, especially in terms of bringing even more public attention to our cause by June 2021.

We invite you to join us again in 2021. Let us continue to pursue the BAUSTELLE GLEICHSTELLUNG together!

Letteplatz Berlin, Planning: planung.freiraum, Barbara Willecke, Photo: Andreas Süß


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