Update: Substitute Building Materials Ordinance (EBV) - One year later: practical experience and developments
Wednesday 11.07.2024 from 9:30 - 16:00
Architektenkammer Sachsen, Haus der Architektur, Goetheallee 37, 01309 Dresden
Mineral waste represents the largest waste stream in Germany in terms of volume. The handling of soils and building materials is also omnipresent in the planning of outdoor facilities.
With the entry into force of the Mantelverordnung on August 1, 2023, the Ersatzbaustoffverordnung (EBV) will be newly created and the Bundesbodenschutz- und Altlastenverordnung will be amended (BBodSchV 2023).
What's new?
- Transitional periods for the application of the EBV have expired
- FAQ of the Laga version 2
- Current key issues paper on the End of Waste Ordinance (1/24)
Implementation aids by federal state
- Implementation aids and decrees on the EBV from Thuringia, Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse
- Specifications from Rhineland-Palatinate on the AVV (Waste List Ordinance) No. of soil material with foreign components
Groundwater protection and requirements for different materials
- Groundwater-free infiltration routes for different soil and recycling materials
- Quality monitoring of mobile recycling plants
Legal issues
- ECJ ruling on the waste properties of excavated soil (Porr ruling)
- Prof. Dr. Frank Bär, ö.b.u.v. expert for the remediation of contaminated sites and expert according to § 18 BBodSchGn
- Sylvia Staudte, garden and landscape architect bdla, Architectur Concept Zwickau
The seminar is offered hybrid!
- Costs presence: 110 € guests, 60 € bdla/junior members, 30 € students, job seekers (with meals)
- Online costs: 100 € guests, 45 € bdla/junior members, 30 € students, job seekers
Online registration is closed.
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0