
Presidium meeting: Program 2022, HOAI 202X, gender-equal bdla

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The bdla presidium met in Berlin on September 9, 2021. With the hope of an early end or at least a control of the pandemic effects, an ambitious program of further education and events was defined for 2022.

The year starts once again online with a series on construction management and technology. This will be followed by, among other things, a "high-end" training event on climate adaptation. Furthermore, the bdla Designer Days (Berlin), the Young Landscape Architecture Workshop and the bdla Business Forum (Hamburg) will follow again in presence.

The award ceremony for the German Landscape Architecture Award 2021 will now take place on May 13, 2022 in Berlin. A special treat will be the offer of an excursion to the documenta 2022 art exhibition in Kassel, planned for July 1 and 2, 2022. Things will get more political in March, when the bdla and its partners in the Initiative Grün will discuss the priorities of the new federal government at the Parliamentary Evening.

The newly elected president of the Federal Chamber of Architects Andrea Gebhard was a guest in the presidium. The current topics of landscape architects on climate adaptation are seen by both sides as key topics of the next legislative period. It will be possible to build on the very good cooperation between BAK and bdla.

The presidium intensively discussed the current state of affairs around the preparations of an HOAI amendment 202X. The discussions in the technical working groups of the AHO were supplemented by various bdla-internal meetings; thankfully, a large number of competent bdla members contribute in a committed manner.

After the presidium had requested the bdla Berlin-Brandenburg to take over the leadership of a temporary working group "Gender-fair bdla", the regional association has proposed Barbara Willecke and Anna Dierking for this. The AG will meet promptly and ideas will be put up for discussion for the advisory board 2022.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2021

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