
Presidium meeting: dates, beginners academy, qFGP

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The six-member presidium met for a hybrid meeting on January 27, 2022. The annual program of the bdla was discussed in detail.

First and foremost, an extensive list of appointments had to be discussed; in the first few months of the year, the Executive Committee had a large number of appointments in the political and professional arena: a meeting of the associations with the new Federal Minister for the Environment Steffi Lemke, a strategy meeting with BAK President Andrea Gebhard, the parliamentary evening with the associations of the Green Initiative, as well as various consultations with the DWA, the Federal Foundation for Building Culture, the Federal Environment Agency, the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, and so on.

In the hope of getting the pandemic under control socially, the comprehensive training program of the Federal Association was also continued. The classics are not only being revived, but expanded: Business Forum, Designer Days, Landscape Planning Update Conference, Planting Planner Days are coming up in 2022. At the international trade fair GaLaBau, the bdla will again be visibly presented in Nuremberg from September 14 to 17, 2022. After the award ceremony on 13 May 2022 in Berlin, preparations for the competition for the German Landscape Architecture Award 2023 will begin.

A completely new feature this year is the "beginners academy" for non-specialist professional groups and employees trained abroad. With a new, virtual "welcome class", the bdla will address potential employees from abroad with the aim of attracting them to the German labor market.

One focus in 2022 will be the Qualified Open Space Design Plan (qFGP). A campaign to promote the qFGP has been defined for this purpose. Concrete formulation proposals for implementation in the model building code had been submitted by the responsible WG. A new brochure, whose appearance is aimed at in the II. and/or III. quarter, forms an essential element in the public work for the planning instrument.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2022

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