
Presidium meeting: dates, beginners academy, FGP and public relations

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During the reporting period, meetings of the Executive Board were held on January 27, 2022 and March 31, 2022. The six-member committee focused first and foremost on the opulent list of appointments; in addition to numerous appointments in the political and professional arena, an association meeting with the new Federal Minister of the Environment Lemke, a strategy meeting with the BAK President on April 2, the parliamentary evening on March 22 with the Initiative Grün and various consultations with DWA, Bundesstiftung Baukultur, UBA, BfN, etc. were and are on the agenda.

Furthermore, the comprehensive training program of the Federal Association was continued. The classics are not only revived, but expanded: Business Forum, Designer Days, Landscape Planning Update Conference, Planting Planner Days are scheduled for 2022. At GaLaBau, the bdla will again be visibly presented in the fall of 2022 (see page 34). After the award ceremony on May 13, 2022 in Berlin, the preparations for the competition for the German Landscape Architecture Award 2023 will start. In 2022, the "Green Basics Academy" for non-specialist professional groups and employees trained abroad will be launched. In addition, the bdla will address potential employees from abroad with a new, virtual "welcome class" to attract them to the German labor market.

The meeting on March 31 was dominated by preparations for the advisory board meeting the following day. Important topics of discussion included the essentials of the ongoing HOAI reform, the bdla positions on the Climate Adaptation Action Program and appropriate funding by the federal and state governments, the bdla's focus campaign on the open space design plan in 2022, and international work.

Jens Henningsen reported on the effects of the crises on the construction and planning industry as well as the concrete problems, for example, with price escalator clauses. Dr. Schattenfroh made recommendations on this, and the Economics Working Group had reached agreement on this. With the federation Justiziars the topic is to be prepared comprehensively, factually and professionally in the restaurant forum 2022.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2022

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