

10 News

Public relations working group: Promoting national group public relations work

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On 19.11.2021, the public relations spokespersons met for their 53rd meeting at Ettersburg Castle near Weimar.

News Committee Public Relations · 11. March 2022

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AK Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Successful relaunch

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On 03.04.2021, the public relations spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met at their monitors.

News Committee Public Relations · 11. June 2021

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Public Relations Committee: Professionalization of the public relations work of the bdla

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The speakers dealt intensively with the resolutions of the 2020 Advisory Council at their online meeting on 20.11.2020.

News Committee Public Relations · 12. March 2021

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Public Relations Committee: 50th Meeting and Workshop

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On Friday, 22 November 2019, the public relations spokespersons of the bdla regional associations met in Berlin for their 50th meeting.

News Committee Public Relations · 12. March 2020

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Public relations working group: Garden worlds become climate worlds

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In the BETON'T GRÜN seminar room, the public relations spokespersons were warmly welcomed to Heilbronn by Michael Hink and Ulrike Luz from bdla Baden-Württemberg on 11 May 2019.

News Committee Public Relations · 12. September 2019

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Working group public relations: public relations of the regional group and bdla on the web

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The public relations officers met for their 47th meeting in Magdeburg on 16 June 2018.

News Committee Public Relations · 15. September 2018

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Web, publications and national group public relations work

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The public relations spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met for their 46th meeting on 17.11.2017 in Berlin.

News Committee Public Relations · 15. March 2018

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Economics working group: Review of the Economic Forum and AI in planning offices

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The Economy Online working group met again on March 17, 2024. One focus was the follow-up to the Economic Forum, which was in high demand with over 150 participants on February 23 in Kassel.

News Committee Economy · 12. June 2024

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Economy Committee: HOAI and Economic Forum 2021

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Once again, the Economy Committee met for a virtual session. On 14.12.2020, Jörg Homann, landscape architect from Cologne from club L94 Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, introduced himself to the committee members as the newly elected bdla spokesperson for the topic area of economics.

News Committee Economy · 12. March 2021

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Economy Committee: HOAI amendment and reduction of value added tax

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The colleagues from the Economy Committee met for a short virtual meeting on 23 June 2020. At the beginning, they informed themselves about the status of the HOAI amendment.

News Committee Economy · 14. September 2020

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