

10 News

Cross-sectional studies welcomed in Hanover

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Under the leadership of the spokesperson Dr. Ute Fischer-Gäde, the working group on training met on 10 and 11 November 2017 at Leibniz Universität Hannover.

News Committee Education · 15. March 2018

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Construction technology and standards working group: Work on regulations and site manager discussions

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The Construction Technology and Standards Working Group met for its annual meeting in the documenta city of Kassel on 21.09.2023. The main focus was on reports on current work on regulations at the FLL and DIN.

News Committee Civil Engineering and Standards · 12. December 2023

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Working Group on Building Technology and Standards: Standards work and anniversary preparations

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On September 22, 2022, bdla spokesman Tom Kirsten convened an online meeting of the working group. In addition to the reports from the individual rules committees with bdla delegation, the focus was also on the concrete design of the 25th Construction Manager Talks on 20/21 January 2023 in Bochum.

News Committee Civil Engineering and Standards · 12. December 2022

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Civil Engineering and Standards Committee: Silver jubilee and other standards

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With the necessary safety margin, the bdla Civil Engineering and Standards Committee met in Kassel on 1 September 2020. As every year, the first thing to be done was to take stock of the last bdla Construction Manager Talks, which had taken place in Bochum on 7 and 8 February 2020.

News Committee Civil Engineering and Standards · 15. December 2020

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Civil Engineering and Standards Committee: Follow-up and preparation bdla construction manager meetings

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On 26 June 2019, the Civil Engineering and Standards Committee met in Dresden-Pillnitz under the leadership of Markus Illgas.

News Committee Civil Engineering and Standards · 12. September 2019

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Working group garden monument preservation: expert conference further prepared

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For quite some time, the working group Garden Monument Preservation has been planning the bdla symposium "Historic Cultural Landscapes as a Task for Landscape Architects" on May 4, 2023 in the Augustinian Monastery in Erfurt. The online working group meeting on September 15, 2022 was characterized by the further planning of the bdla symposium.

News Committee Garden Monument Preservation · 12. December 2022

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Garden Monument Preservation Working Group: Symposium Concept and Cluster

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The members of the Garden Monument Preservation Working Group met again for a virtual meeting on July 11, 2022. The dominating main topic was the planned realization of a symposium on historic cultural landscapes.

News Committee Garden Monument Preservation · 12. September 2022

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Monument Preservation Committee: Seminar on FLL Service Catalogue in preparation

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The Monument Preservation Committee has not had a meeting since December 2019. On 19.03.2021 they met again online. The topic was the FLL service catalogue for the development of garden monument preservation target plans.

News Committee Garden Monument Preservation · 11. June 2021

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New: Service catalogue for the development of garden monument conservation target plans

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In recent years, planning services for the preservation of historical gardens have been requested more frequently. A number of landscape architects have specialised in these services.

News Committee Garden Monument Preservation · 12. March 2021

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New FLL Publication: Catalogue of Services for the Preservation of Garden Monuments

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Newly published as a technical report of the FLL is the "Catalogue of services for the development of garden monument conservation target planning". It contains a uniform procedure for garden monument conservation target planning and thus contributes to the qualification and standardization of this discipline. The catalogue of services can be ordered for 27,50 Euro in the online shop of the FLL.

News Committee Garden Monument Preservation · 02. February 2021

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