

10 News

Additional qualification in environmental construction supervision on the road to success

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bdla will continue the in-service training in Osnabrück in 2020.

Press releases · 24. October 2019

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Too short-sighted - only federal projects in focus

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bdla comments on the draft of the Federal Compensation Ordinance.

Press releases · 21. October 2019

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bdla working group plant use constituted

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Building material "plant" as a core competence of landscape architects.

Press releases · 18. October 2019

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German Landscape Architecture Award 2019 goes to Baakenpark

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State Secretary Bohle and bdla President Rehwaldt present First Prize to Atelier Loidl. 500 guests applaud excellent planner teams.

Press releases · 26. September 2019

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As if in a mirror: Brochure German Landscape Architecture Award 2019 published

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On 20 September 2019, the latest competition brochure was published on the occasion of the festive event for the award of the German Landscape Architecture Prize 2019.

Press releases · 24. September 2019

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Landscape Architects Handbook 2019-2020 published

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bdla member directory with updated information on the professional association.

Press releases · 14. August 2019

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Designing and building with wood and metal

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2nd bdla Designer Days on 8 and 9 November 2019 in Berlin

Press releases · 08. August 2019

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What will grow in the future

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3rd bdla Plant Planner Days on 21 and 22 June 2019 in Freising

Press releases · 02. July 2019

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Successful representation of interests needs alliances

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bdla advisory board met in Halle (Saale).

Press releases · 26. June 2019

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bdla launches nationwide survey of study and graduate numbers

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Universities asked to participate.

Press releases · 18. June 2019

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