
New series on the use of materials - visit to the Lorberg tree nursery

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The bdla Lower Saxony Bremen offers in loose sequence, but always on Thursdays, the new series "material use".

When: 21.09.2017

Where: Lorberg Nursery: 7.15 - 19.30 hrs.

The series aims to provide information about new and familiar building materials, plants and their uses in a compact format.

This includes: Materials science, proper technical application and design uses.

Programme Visit to the Lorberg tree nursery

Joint bus trip to the Lorberg tree nursery in Ketzin OT Tremmen

Start 7.15 a.m., Leibniz University Hanover, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Herrenhäuser Str. 2, 30419 Hanover

Theory part in the nursery: 11.30 -12.30 o'clock

  • Basic information on woody plants: Difference heister, hedge plant, high trunk, avenue tree, solitary, trunk bush, solitary tree.
  • Qualities
  • Tree planting - What needs to be considered? (planting depth, substrate etc.)
  • Anchoring stakes, underfloor anchoring
  • Evaporation protection (reed mat, arboflex paint)

Lunch break: 12.30 - 13.15 hrs

Practical part in the nursery: 13.15 - 15.15 (in the quarters of the nursery)

  • Pruning of trees, planting
  • Transport of high trunks
  • Airpot system as a new alternative to containers
  • Shaped shrubs

Return journey to Hanover: 15.30 h

For the participation a contribution to the travel expenses is raised.

bdla members and their employees 30,- €

Non-members 45,- €

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