
FREIRAUMERLEBEN - times completely differently

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To understand open spaces, you have to explore them. Preferably on foot, with all senses and in unusual ways.

This year, the BDLA is whetting your appetite for green - through movement: creeping, crawling, running, meandering, climbing, rolling...

In this experience, the visual impressions are not in the foreground. The way of movement and exploration, their rhythm and dynamics , result in a more complex picture of the environment. Through these intense perceptions from movements and touches, a change of perspective takes place. And every change of perspective holds potential for an innovative design process. Try it out and be part of it.

Start Friday, 24.06.2022, 15.30 hrs - duration approx. 1.5 hrs.

Meeting point Callinstr. 23, 30167 Hannover - main cafeteria

Binding registration is required by June 15, 2022. Extension until June 20, 2022.

Participation is free of charge. As the number of participants is limited, we recommend timely registration.

Registration - online:

Important. Sturdy and comfortable clothing/ footwear are appropriate.

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