
FACH-RADTOUR - PrimaKlima in Landscape Architecture 28.6.

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The concrete programme of our specialist cycle tour is now fixed!
Learn how to plan climate-consciously with concrete projects:

28 June 2019 Dresden

Postplatz Residenz, Planung Blaurock Landschaftsarchitektur, Foto: Sigrid Böttcher-Steeb

Postplatz Residenz, Planung Blaurock Landschaftsarchitektur, Foto: Sigrid Böttcher-Steeb

The following objects will be visited and discussed with planners and users:

  • School grounds 103rd elementary school Hohnsteiner Str. - New outdoor facilities and Prießnitz renaturation.
  • Postplatz Residenz - green courtyard on underground car park and new promenade ring
  • School grounds 76. primary school am Lehmberg - rainwater infiltration versus summer heat
  • NaturKulturBad Zschonergrund - design, technology, active association

The detailed description of the event and the registration form can be found at here.

The specialist bike tour is part of the extensive supporting programme for the exhibition "Prima Klima. That is Landscape Architecture".
Further information on the exhibition and the accompanying events can be found at here.

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