
bdla Thüringen: Lecture series "We shape the climate" at BUGA Erfurt

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The bdla Thüringen will present six lectures at the BUGA Erfurt from May to October 2021 under the title "We shape climate". They will highlight examples of the strategies and concepts for action that landscape architecture is developing in the face of the climate crisis in cities and regions.

Foto: Stadtverwaltung Erfurt

Foto: Stadtverwaltung Erfurt

The events will take place at the i-Punkt GRÜN on the BUGA grounds.

5 May 2021: "German Landscape Architecture Award 2019". Exhibition, opening lecture: Prof. Inga Hahn.

2 June 2021: "Climate-resistant and sustainable plants". Lecture: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Borchardt

7 July 2021: "FRISCHGRÜN21 - Young Landscape Architecture". Lecture: Franz Reschke, Berlin

4 August 2021: "Resource rainwater - how climate-adapted urban design can succeed". Lecture: Dr. Antje Backhaus - Freiraum für alle GmbH - GRUPPE F - Berlin

1 September 2021: "Sustainable building materials in landscape architecture". Lecture: NN

6 October 2021: "BUGA - What remains". Lecture: Dr. Sascha Döll, Head of the Garden and Cemetery Office of the City of Erfurt

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