
Foto: Josephine Facius

10 News - Thüringen

Open Gardens 2024 in Thuringia

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It's that time of year again - the "Open Gardens" season has begun. Countless garden owners and gardeners are opening the gates to gardens and parks between Kyffhäuser and Suhl, Eisenach and Gera. From small home gardens to 20,000 square meters of landscaped gardens: they all provide a wide variety of insights and inspiration.

News - Thüringen · 15. May 2024

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Throwback to the 25th New Year's reception of the Green professional associations in Thuringia: Our highlights and insights!

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On January 31, 2024, the green professional associations in Thuringia gathered for their annual New Year's reception in the idyllic Kanonenhof at the Erfurt Horticultural Museum.

News - Thüringen · 23. April 2024

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Student competition Central Germany 2023/24 decided

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Jury decision on the comparative urban planning study "Jena - Am hinteren Jenzighang" and award ceremony on April 18, 2024 in Berlin

"New ways of densified ecological hillside development with low land sealing and efficient rainwater management on the way to a more sustainable, resilient future in the residential sector" was the objective of the student competition of the three bdla regional groups from Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, which was organized by bdla Thuringia in 2023/2024. The award ceremony took place in Berlin on April 18, 2024.

News - Thüringen · 16. April 2024

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Online training course "The water-sensitive city - multifunctional street spaces"

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The Thuringia regional group is organizing a training course on the topic of multifunctional street spaces on 21 November 2023.

News - Thüringen · 04. October 2023

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General meeting and elections in Thuringia: Sören Gau new chairman

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On April 19, 2023, the annual general meeting of the Thuringia regional group was held in Erfurt. In accordance with the statutes, elections were held and we congratulate Mr. Sören Gau on his election as Chairman of the Board.

News - Thüringen · 04. May 2023

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Turn of the times - Review of the New Year's reception of the green associations in Thuringia

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On the evening of January 25, 2023, the Thuringian regional group of the bdla together with the DGGL and the FGL Hesse-Thuringia had invited to the now 24th New Year's reception of the green associations.

News - Thüringen · 10. March 2023

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Erfurt Dialogue 2022 on March 30, 2022

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For years, the Erfurt Dialog has served as an important discussion forum for current issues in landscape and object planning. The consequences of climate change as well as the challenges of climate protection are changing Thuringia.

News - Thüringen · 02. February 2022

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bdla Thüringen: Lecture series "We shape the climate" at BUGA Erfurt

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The bdla Thüringen will present six lectures at the BUGA Erfurt from May to October 2021 under the title "We shape climate". They will highlight examples of the strategies and concepts for action that landscape architecture is developing in the face of the climate crisis in cities and regions.

News - Thüringen · 10. February 2021

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OPEN GARDENS - in Thuringia

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Unfortunately, the events have to be cancelled for 2020.

News - Thüringen · 24. March 2020

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23rd New Year's Reception 2020 in Erfurt

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On the evening of 29 January 2020, the 23rd New Year's Reception of the Green Associations in Thuringia took place at the German Horticultural Museum in Erfurt. The event was thematically dedicated to the upcoming Federal Horticultural Show in the state capital in 2021.

News - Thüringen · 05. February 2020

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