

10 News

Courage and beauty. IFLA Europe in Helsinki

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By Steffi Schüppel and Thomas Haas

On October 13, 2022, the "Boldness and Beauty" congress was held in Helsinki in the run-up to the IFLA Europe General Assembly. It was hosted by the Finnish Landscape Architects Association MARK.

News · 17. November 2022

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25th bdla construction manager talks on 20/21.1.2023 in Bochum

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On January 20 and 21, 2023, landscape architects from German-speaking countries will once again meet for the bdla Construction Manager Talks. The event will be held for the 25th time and will celebrate the anniversary with two high-profile panel discussions.

News · 14. November 2022

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Green light for more drinking water fountains in public spaces

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Better access to drinking water in public spaces is the aim of the German government's planned amendment to the Water Resources Act. Under the amendment, local authorities are to install more public drinking water fountains in parks, pedestrian zones and shopping malls, for example, as part of their heat prevention efforts. A corresponding bill by the German government to amend the Water Resources Act was approved by the Committee for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection in an amended version on Wednesday morning.

News · 10. November 2022

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Newly published: AHO Booklet 10 on GIS Services - Service Phases by Subject with Fee Zones and Fee Tables

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GIS services are indispensable as instruments of object and area planning, regional planning, infrastructure and for all other specialized planning. Neither in the currently valid HOAI nor in the previous fee schedules are or were these intellectually creative engineering services regulated.

News · 08. November 2022

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The age of renaturation

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Round table talk with State Secretary Dr. Christiane Rohleder on October 20, 2022 in Berlin.

As part of the bdla event "Update 2022 - Landscape and Environmental Development" on October 20 and 21, 2022 at the German Center for Architecture in Berlin, an evening expert discussion took place with Dr. Christiane Rohleder, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). The concentrated exchange between bdla President Prof. Stephan Lenzen and Dr. Christiane Rohleder, moderated by Prof. Catrin Schmidt, TU Dresden, and Uwe Herrmann, Bendfeldt Herrmann Franke Landschaftsarchitekten, Kiel, dealt with the transformation pressure on the landscape. The State Secretary provided information on the future tasks of the newly created Transformation Department in the office of Federal Environment Minister Dr. Steffi Lemke.

News · 02. November 2022

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Catalog of measures of the Alliance for Affordable Housing

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The German government wants to create sufficient affordable, climate-neutral and low-barrier housing; in this legislative period, 400,000 apartments each year, 100,000 of them as social housing. The 190 proposed measures of the "Affordable Housing Alliance" are intended to give a major boost to housing construction in Germany.

News · 13. October 2022

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Uncertainty about business development among architectural firms

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Every month, the Federal Chamber of Architects (BAK) has the ifo Institute survey the economic situation among architectural firms in Germany. According to the survey, the current business situation in September 2022 is worse than in the previous month: The business climate index for architectural firms has fallen to 10.5 points (13.3 points in the previous month). This represents a continuation of a clear downward trend since March 2022 (27 points).

News · 11. October 2022

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Shaping the change

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Integrated solutions and a new planning culture for sustainable spatial development

Enormous ecological, social and economic challenges characterize our time: advancing climate change, massive loss of biodiversity, increasing scarcity of resources and the crossing of planetary boundaries. Only by changing the way we use land will the various sustainability goals be achievable. A new planning culture is needed that promotes a readiness for change through the constructive cooperation and co-design of the various sectors of society.

News · 22. September 2022

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Award ceremony German Building Award 2022 on 15.09.2022 in Berlin

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The German Building Award 2022 will be presented in Berlin on September 15, 2022. The award ceremony will take place for the first time as part of the Federal Congress on National Urban Development Policy.

News · 08. September 2022

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IFLA survey on global professional practice in landscape architecture

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IFLA has launched a professional practice survey to better understand the field of landscape architecture around the globe. The bdla asks its members to participate.

News · 06. September 2022

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