
Conference Schlehdorfer Impulse: Land in Sight? 26/27 October

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The German Werkbund in Bavaria and its cooperating partners are intensively dealing with the dramatic social, technical and cultural changes and their effects in town and country.
Everything will be different! Nothing remains as it is! Such phrases have also been heard in the south of Bavaria for some time. While the north of the federal state is primarily struggling with emaciation, the boom region between Munich and the Alps in the countryside and in the cities is suffering in part from other serious changes such as massive immigration, unchecked individual traffic, disruptive industry and the consequences of industrialized agriculture.
What is happening in detail and why? How can we avoid the negative influences on the townscape and landscape and strengthen positive tendencies in building culture? Which actors and instruments are needed for this?
The Schlehdorf Monastery, which is on its way to a new future under the leadership of the WOGENO cooperative, is an excellent place to discuss current problems in the midst of the old Bavarian landscape, to look for solutions and to give impulses.
Place of event: Cohaus monastery Schlehdorf,. Kirchstraße 9, 82444 Schlehdorf
An event of the Deutscher Werkbund Bavaria. Curated by: Horst Haffner and Martin Schnitzer, Deutscher Werkbund Bayern. Cooperation partners: Bavarian Chamber of Architects, BDA Bayern, bdla Bayern, City of Munich, Wogeno eG
  • Latitude: 0
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