
Sommerfest 2019 des bdla Bayern. Foto: Stephan Rescher

That was... the summer party 2019 of the bdla Bavaria

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For Saturday, July 13, the bdla Bavaria had invited as in previous years to the Vorhoelzer Forum in Munich and many members as well as guests had accepted the invitation.

As guests of honour, Chairwoman Prof. Dr.-Ing. Swantje Duthweiler was able to welcome two high-ranking guests from neighbouring Austria, Prof. Maria Auböck, Vice-President of the ÖGLA, and Dr. Stephanie Drlik, Managing Director of the ÖGLA.

Dr. Stephanie Drlik und Prof. Maria Auböck (ÖGLA), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Swantje Duthweiler und Ursela Schwertl (bdla Bayern). Foto: Stephan Rescher

Dr. Stephanie Drlik und Prof. Maria Auböck (ÖGLA), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Swantje Duthweiler und Ursela Schwertl (bdla Bayern). Foto: Stephan Rescher

Welcome by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Swantje Duthweiler, Chairwoman of bdla Bavaria. Photo: Stephan Rescher

In her welcoming speech, she also personally invited those present to participate in the newly founded working groups of bdla Bavaria, which are to help the association to define its position and to develop professional positions in the coming years.

Dr. Stephanie Drlik, managing director of the ÖGLA. Photo: Stephan Rescher
Prof. Maria Auböck, Vice President of the ÖGLA. Photo: Stephan Rescher

Prof. Auböck and Dr. Drlik presented the development and current situation of landscape architecture as well as the areas of responsibility within the framework of professional representation in Austria following the aperitif and welcome address.

Elisabeth Lesche, el:ch landscape architects. Photo: Stephan Rescher
Rupert Halbartschlager, office bauchplan ):( Photo: Stephan Rescher

In the second part of this year's edition of our exchange format Landscape Architecture eXport, Elisabeth Lesche, el:ch Landschaftsarchitekten and Rupert Halbartschlager, Büro bauchplan ):( reported on their current projects and experiences in the neighbouring country.

Members and guests in dialogue. Photo: Stephan Rescher
Members and guests in dialogue. Photo: Stephan Rescher
Members and guests in dialogue. Photo: Stephan Rescher

As always, the summer party ended with personal and informal discussions among the 90 or so members and guests present - on the roof terrace and in the foyer.

Our thanks also go to this year's sponsors, without whom this successful evening would not have been possible!

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