Today, more than 77 % of Germany's population already lives in cities and urban agglomerations, and the trend is rising. Both the economic and ecological pressure on the availability of urban and peri-urban land has increased noticeably in the past. At the same time, the provision of recreational and welfare functions is still one of the essential tasks of qualified green and open spaces. Against this background, the urban climatic effects and the ecosystem services of urban forms of greening in particular are being newly discussed, scientifically investigated and evaluated.
In order to minimise the effects and challenges of these developments, a sustainable green infrastructure is also crucial.
Appropriate water management and adapted greening concepts can have a decisive influence on the climatic conditions of the city. The future quality of life in our cities will very much depend on how green projects can be integrated into the context of increasing urban densification. This requires new approaches and a high level of planning and technical knowledge.
In this expert forum, we present projects and plans for living and living in the city and show the current state of developments and challenges. The Forum Zukunft Grünes Bauen promotes the exchange between building professionals and the university and offers participants an application-oriented overview of specific topics.
The Green Building Forum is a joint initiative of the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, the Bavarian Garden, Landscape and Sports Ground Construction Association (Verband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau Bayern e. V.), the Bavarian Industrial Association for Building Materials, Stone and Soil (Bayerischer Industrieverband Baustoffe, Steine und Erden e.V.), and the Information Centre for Building Materials. (BIV) and the InformationsZentrum Beton GmbH. In this cooperation, the participants inform about the sustainable and ecological design of public space. The bdla Bayern is a cooperation partner of the event.
Wednesday, October 23. 13:00 - 17:15 h
Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
Building A3 (Löwentorgebäude)
Am Hofgarten 4, 85354 Freising
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0