A new guide for more biodiversity in the city is the result of the "Animal Aided Design" (AAD) project of the Center for Urban Nature and Climate Adaptation at the Technical University of Munich (ZSK). In the future, municipalities and planners will be able to use these recommendations for action to design animal-friendly and nature-oriented housing projects.
In the AAD project, scientists and planners redensified a residential complex in Munich's Brantstraße and, for the first time, specifically integrated the needs of selected animal species - green woodpecker, house sparrow, hedgehog and common bat - during the planning phase.
Since 2013, the ZSK has been working with municipalities and Climate Alliance partners to develop practical solutions for sustainable and climate-adapted urban development. The AAD method was developed by the Chair of Terrestrial Ecology at TUM together with the University of Kassel, the Vienna University of Technology, the housing association GEWOFAG and the Climate Alliance partner Bayerischer Landesbund für Vogelschutz e.V. (LBV) and implemented in Munich.
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