
Amendment to the Construction Chamber Act

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In its session of June 22, 2023, the Bavarian State Parliament approved the amendment of the Building Chamber Act and the Bavarian Building Code. The associated amendments will come into force on August 1, 2023 and January 1, 2024, respectively.

From the point of view of bdla Bavaria, the increase of the minimum duration of studies as a registration requirement for the disciplines landscape architecture and interior architecture to 8 semesters (Art 4 Abs.2 Baukammerngesetz) is a particular success.

Representatives of the bdla have campaigned for this for years together with, among others, representatives of the two Bavarian university locations. With the in the future again 8-semestrigen Bachelor is ensured that all in Bavaria trained Bachelor students of the Landschaftsarchitekt:innen and Innenarchitekt:innen not only country widely chamberable become, but also into the Versorgungswerke to enter can. Special thanks on the part of the bdla Bavaria go to the university representatives Prof. Ingrid Schegk, Prof em. Uta Stock-Gruber, Prof. Dr. Christoph Moning (Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences) as well as Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit and Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel-Rutschmann (TU Munich).

A dedicated presentation of all changes can be found in the August issue of DABregional Bayern. Fabian Blomeyer will present the amendments in detail there.

As soon as the amendments have been announced with the dates of their entry into force, the updated version of the Building Chamber Act will be available at and also via the website of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects at

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