
bdla Bavaria is committed to diversity, democracy and an open society

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As the professional political representation of landscape architects, bdla Bayern is firmly rooted in the free and democratic constitutional order. Values such as equality and diversity have always been practiced in our professional association.

Planten un Blomen, Hamburg. Planung: POLA Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Berlin. Foto: © Hanns Joosten

Planten un Blomen, Hamburg. Planung: POLA Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Berlin. Foto: © Hanns Joosten

Accordingly, it is a matter of course for the Executive Board and the head office to live, cultivate and demand open and respectful cooperation in everyday life. This implies that different positions must always be negotiated in a constructive and critical dialog instead of being excluded. We encourage all members of the Bavarian State Association and all landscape architects to practice this attitude. Let us stand up for humanity in our environment at all times!

We would like to explicitly refer to the statement of our federal association, which in our view unites all essential positions: bdla for cosmopolitanism and diversity

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