
Lower Saxony - Chamber election 2022

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With the bdla in the team

Current urban development issues can only be solved if all planning disciplines work together at an early stage and on an equal footing. This team idea is not new, but it has become all the more compelling and should be brought into the chamber's work with emphasis and commitment.

Landscape architecture combines knowledge of ecological contexts with planning competence like no other profession. Our candidates stand for the responsibility of our profession for man, nature and the designed environment, for the professionalism and quality of our work as landscape architects. The work in the chamber will be decisively determined by this.

Our candidates benefit from a strong association and its effective representation of interests in politics and professional bodies on a national and international level. Current topics are: the amendment of the HOAI for an appropriate fee, optimization of the model building statutes with a new open space design plan and e.g. a multifaceted work for young professionals(frischgrün_vernetzt; Green Basics Academy).

The professional group of the landscape architects represents in the chamber in comparison to the structural architects only a minority of approx. 4 he chamber membership. The elected representatives of landscape architecture have the important and responsible task to bring in the concerns of the freelance as well as the employed colleagues with emphasis into the chamber work.

Our candidates

Christoph Schonhoff Astrid Adam Paul Tontsch Monika Sprengel

The following bdla members are running for the NewKammer list

Gwendolyn Kusters Jens Krannich

Strengthen with all 3 votes the position of the landscape architects in the chamber.

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