

10 News

Workshop discussion on the practical planning requirements of § 19 BNatSchG (environmental damage)

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Exclusive information offer for bdla members and their employees on 15.09.2017 in Fulda.

News · 15. August 2017

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Practical day at the SpogaGafa trade fair in Cologne: green, ceramics, law

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On Monday, 4 September 2017, the half-day specialist seminar "Green, ceramics, law - spatial concepts and materials for planning private gardens" will be held at SpogaGafa.

News · 07. August 2017

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Announcement Schinkel Competition 2018

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The 2018 Schinkel Competition, organized by the Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein zu Berlin e.V. (Berlin Association of Architects and Engineers), has the motto "Urban Oasis".

News · 02. August 2017

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Flood Protection Act II passed and promulgated

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The Act for the Further Improvement of Flood Protection and for the Simplification of Flood Protection Procedures (Flood Protection Act II) was passed by the Bundestag on 30 June 2017.

News · 31. July 2017

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Nationwide project publication of outdoor facilities at the BKI

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The Baukosteninformationszentrum Deutscher Architektenkammern GmbH (BKI) is looking for challenging and current projects for its next volume "BKI Objektdaten Freianlagen".

News · 26. July 2017

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Product-neutral tendering in the construction of outdoor facilities

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Every landscape architect who prepares construction tenders for public clients is familiar with the problem of so-called product-neutral tendering: public procurement law wants to prevent concrete products or makes from being demanded because such specifications could hinder the market.

News · 24. July 2017

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Register now: bdla business forum on 13.11.2017 in Würzburg

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Topics: Contract for work - fee - office handover

News · 23. July 2017

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Baukulturwerkstatt "Umbaukultur" on 7 and 8 September 2017 in Bochum

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Why build new when you can also convert? More than 70 percent of all building investments in Germany are made in existing buildings.

News · 19. July 2017

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German Landscape Architecture Award on Greenery

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From 7 to 9 June 2017, the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition

News · 18. July 2017

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New service on Fee calculator for new members

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New members benefit from significantly reduced membership fees: You save 50 percent in the year of joining and the following three calendar years.

News · 17. July 2017

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