

10 News

Disappointing interim balance sheet on land policy

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The Bündnis Bodenwende, a non-partisan and interdisciplinary alliance of academies, chambers, associations and foundations, including the bdla, had drawn up soil policy election test stones in the run-up to the 2021 Bundestag elections and published the parties' responses. At the halfway point of the legislative period, the alliance is now presenting an interim summary.

News · 18. December 2023

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Landscape architecture and Europe. Change of perspective - not only in the professional debate

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By Steffi Schüppel

I first came into contact with the bdla over 20 years ago, at the New Year's reception of the Hesse regional group. I still have fond memories of the wonderful event, a lovely party in a good atmosphere with so many like-minded people. I've stayed involved ever since.

News · 12. December 2023

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Europan E17 competition decided

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Europan is an architectural and urban planning ideas competition that brings European cities together with the next generation of architects, urban planners and open space planners. The Europan E17 competition "Living Cities 2" has now come to an end.

News · 07. December 2023

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Lenné Symposium 2024: Green-blue infrastructure: Berlin on the way to becoming a water-sensitive city

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On January 12, the Berlin Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and the Environment is hosting the Lenné Symposium 2024 at the betterplace Umspannwerk in Kreuzberg.

News · 06. December 2023

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Anniversary: 100th meeting of the landscape planning working group

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On December 1, 2023, the landscape planning spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met for their 100th meeting. Special guests were the "landscape planner of the first hour" Norbert Hellmann, Nümbrecht, and Bernhard Gillich, Tier, head of the working group from 2005 to 2016.

News · 06. December 2023

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German Building Owner Award 2024 announced

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The German Builder-Owner Award, recognized by experts as the most important award in the field of residential construction in Germany, has been awarded for more than three decades. The announcement of the Bauherrenpreis 2024 was published on December 5, 2023.

News · 04. December 2023

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bdla in dialog with the federal government on the development of a precautionary climate adaptation strategy

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The German government is currently developing a precautionary climate adaptation strategy with measurable targets and is consulting with key stakeholders on the project. Fortunately, the bdla has also been invited to take part in the Climate Adaptation Stakeholder Dialogue. Federal Managing Director Mario Kahl will represent the bdla there on December 13/14, 2024.

News · 29. November 2023

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Building on greenfield sites - Olaf Scholz's role in reverse

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Federal Chancellor for new districts on the outskirts of the city like in the 1970s

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) was a guest at the "Heilbronner Stimme" newspaper's mid-term election check at the city's Kreissparkasse on November 12, 2023. In addition to topics such as migration, arms deliveries to Ukraine and Hamas terror, the discussion also focused on working (together) in the traffic light coalition.

News · 22. November 2023

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Official launch of the Federal Urban Green Award 2024

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The Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building is awarding the Federal Urban Green Prize for the third time. For the year 2024, the Federal Award focuses on the importance of urban green spaces for promoting health through exercise and sport.

News · 21. November 2023

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„The Movers of Tomorrow?“

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Allianz Foundation's Next-Generation Engagement Study: How young adults in Europe are shaping the future

According to a study by the Allianz Foundation, for which 10,000 young adults between the ages of 18 and 39 in Germany, Greece, the UK, Italy and Poland were surveyed, many young Europeans expect society to become more unfair, insecure and divided in the future.

News · 15. November 2023

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