
Press releases

10 Press releases

Awarded - German Landscape Architecture Prize 2019

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Apply through the online process. Closing date 22 January 2019

Press releases · 19. November 2018

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1st bdla Designer Days successfully concluded. "Use of the material is a question of attitude".

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The bdla's latest event format also met with lively interest: Over 160 participants came to the Designer Days on 28 and 29 September 2018 in the Taut Saal at the German Architecture Centre in Berlin.

Press releases · 04. October 2018

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Landscape Architects Handbook 2018-2019 published

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bdla member directory with updated information on the professional association

Press releases · 23. August 2018

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Is the global hot spell coming after the summer of the century?

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bdla: Climate adaptation urgently needed. Showcase projects in online exhibition

Press releases · 08. August 2018

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bdla construction meeting at GaLaBau 2018

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Training event on 13 September on issues of construction technology and construction management in open space planning

Press releases · 10. July 2018

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bdla Designer Days on 28 and 29 September 2018 in Berlin

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New training event for landscape architects

Press releases · 28. June 2018

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Green Infrastructure Campaign and Welcome Culture in the Association

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bdla advisory board met in Würzburg on 20 April 2018.

Press releases · 24. May 2018

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Landscape architects and their association at GaLaBau 2018

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bdla building conference again interesting programme item for specialist planners

Press releases · 26. April 2018

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"Urban areas" for the development of mixed-use neighbourhoods

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Positioning of landscape architects on new building area category in BauNVO

Press releases · 26. April 2018

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Parliamentary evening of the green associations: Green for city and countryside

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Parliamentary evening of the four green sector associations in Berlin on green in the city and in rural areas

Press releases · 17. April 2018

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